Anywise AIDE is here for you, our local community groups, charities, and not-for-profit organisations.
Anywise donates 20% of its yearly profits to charitable causes - this can be either a cash donation or an in-kind. So if you could benefit from a helping hand please get in touch.

Assist - to give support or aid.
Anywise has a seasoned team of professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds. We are passionate about helping out our local communities. Whether you require some project management assistance, business development, or digital capability.

Inform - to communicate knowledge.
We want to pass on our knowledge and expertise so that you become more successful in your endeavours.

Develop - to create by deliberate effort over time.
We not only want to help you to develop your project or idea, we want to help your team develop the skill sets they'll need to tackle similar or more complex challenges in the future.

Effect - to cause to come into being.
Effect change. That's what we live for and we'd love to help you in your effort to do the same.
With Anywise AIDE we have developed a platform and a framework that will enable you and your organisation.
We not only want to help you to develop your project or idea, we want to help your team develop the skill sets they'll need to tackle similar or more complex challenges in the future.

AIDE - for the common good
In philosophy, economics, and political science, the common good refers to either what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community, or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of politics and public service. We believe that this can extend into the business world - where businesses use their skills and knowledge to assist community groups, charities and not-for-profits to achieve goals that they might otherwise be unable to without some outside help.