Anywise is matching your donations - together we can do twice the good.
A charity Anywise holds near and dear, Big Group Hug, is again hosting their big event the Double Donation Day.
If you aren't familiar with the incredible work they do, Big Group Hug is a charity who provide access to everyday essentials - that are often taken for granted - to struggling families and children living in poverty. Household items, clothing, and the very important and often expensive baby items such as nappies, prams, and car seats are just a handful of the items so often in need. This year from Jan - Mar 1,353 children - a 52% increase on the previous period, have requested and been given aid. Unfortunately, this is a number that is only going to increase.
Until 10pm on the 17th of May, generous Match Funders will meet donations made and double them. Working together, the amount of money will be doubled to create twice the impact and help children and families in need. All money raised will go directly to Big Group Hug and help them continue to operate and do the incredible work they do.
Anywise is very proudly a Match Funder and it is our goal to work in unison to make the lives of those in our neighbourhood and hometown a little better. These are difficult times, and winter in Melbourne can be especially tough for families who are struggling.
Please consider donating before 10pm 17th of May to have your donation doubled and do twice the good. You can make a donation or learn more here. Thank you so much for considering to donate.
