Recently at the 12th DST International Conference on Health and Usage Monitoring, part of the 19th Australian Aerospace Congress (AIAC19). Steven Kouloumendas, Anywise’s General Manager, presented at the HUMS2021, a segment of AIAC19. This segment specifically focuses on Health and Usage Monitoring.
While this conference was originally intended to be part of the Avalon Airshow, due to the pandemic, it was changed to a virtual-only event with the Avalon Airshow postponed to 2022.
Primarily, Anywise’s presentation focused on the development of our current project called FABHUMS (Fleet Agnostic Bridge Health and Usage Monitoring System). Discussion of the safety and financial benefits, our findings made during the most recent phase of the project, and a deeper look at the systems we have used. Steve touches on how we are considering HUMS in a new light the further we go in this project, "this is HUMS in an area that maybe hasn't been explored as much as it could."

During the presentation, Steve shares the core items that drive the work the team undertakes, “in this project, we have maintained this mantra of making sure we have the benefits upfront. This is almost our grand vision statement if you will, saying every bit of data we want to collect needs to link back to one of these 5 items.”

These 5 items are:
Increased Safety
Maintenance Efficiency
Identifiable and Serialised Components
Data Driven Decision Making
Lower Cost of Ownership
We enjoyed discussing our learnings with the HUMS community and look forward to sharing more as the project further develops in the next phase. You can stay up to date with our latest findings and updates on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.
Contact us if you'd like to learn more about the work we do and how we can help you with your projects.