can make a difference
Anywise launched in 2014 with the idea that work should be fun, rewarding and meaningful, which is why we encourage all our staff to bring their whole selves to work.
We believe that if people are happy and fulfilled in their working life, then they will be productive, satisfied and balanced. We aim to provide work challenges for people that go beyond a high salary (though that is always nice too). We offer a path for people to deliver project outcomes that align with their goals in life and their values.
One of the ways we do that is by seeking to make an impact in line with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Anywise is committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) because we want to create a better world.
Why are SDGs relevant to Anywise?
These goals are essential to Anywise because the motivation behind starting the company was to do things in a better way. We invested in the community early on, including veteran support initiatives which led to social enterprise.
We ensure that all of our staff and suppliers maintain appropriate remuneration for workers at all levels. Although we work in industries that are still unevenly balanced from a gender perspective, we work on initiatives that help to grow the next generation of female industry leaders. We were an inaugural sponsor of the Women in Defence Awards. Diversity and equal access to opportunity drive our recruitment and supplier selection.
We commit to minimising our impact on the environment and are moving toward carbon neutrality and zero waste. We initiated an industry-wide circular economy network and actively promote responsible procurement as a means to reduce our own and our industry network impact on the environment.
We are a company that delivers a positive impact on the community and the planet, not just for our clients.
Anywise allocates 20% of its profits to philanthropic pursuits. Our efforts range from donating to charities that our suppliers are passionate about to supporting pursuits that align with the passion of our staff members.
Here are some examples of our philanthropic pursuits:
We invest back into our communities and have developed a skilled volunteering model to assist local community groups to access and win grants to fund their most challenging programs.

Volunteering Case Study: Neighbourhood House project
In 2020, Anywise worked with Northern Suburbs Community Centre (NSCC) in Tasmania to assist them in obtaining grant funding for two programs: a dance program and computer literacy program for vulnerable individuals.
Previously, NSCC had relied on small grants that they had applied for ad-hoc, but they wanted to move into receiving ongoing funding and growing their dance and computer programs.
Anywise worked with staff at NSCC and mentored them on how to implement the ‘agile’ methodology. Our support included demonstrating how to use a scrum board to improve transparency and share information in the organisation, as well as how to apply an iterative approach to growing their current programs.
The work that Anywise has done with NSCC will hopefully empower them to apply what they’ve learned so that they can repeat this process for future grants and programs.
Social impact
Anywise became a Certified B-Corporation in 2018 when we challenged ourselves to see how far we could push our idea of social impact. Our desire to push our social impact means we carefully choose our suppliers and are always looking for opportunities to give back to the community.

What is a Certified B-Corporation?
Certified B-Corporation is a group of global businesses that are leading a global movement to redefine how companies operate by balancing purpose and profit. We make high-level decisions that make a positive impact on our employees, suppliers, community and the environment.
B-Corporations meet high standards of public transparency, social and environmental performance and can balance profit and purpose. That’s why we put 20% of our profit aside for philanthropic pursuits.
Environmental impact

We care about our impact on the environment, so we choose sustainable energy suppliers and pay for carbon offsets for business travel. We also try and limit our use of paper and plastic products.
Empowering staff through
peer learning
At Anywise, we encourage staff to share their expertise with others. Studies show that peer learning is a powerful tool, and when utilised correctly can promote collaboration and innovation. It’s also an excellent professional development method for staff to learn new skills.

Friday afternoon Python programming
One of our staff members started a Friday afternoon Python programming class where anyone could join in and learn how to code in Python to help them automate everyday work tasks. Data science skills are in high demand, and this informal class was an empowering way for employees to see how learning Python can help them do their job more efficiently.
Ethical business

Companies we won't
work with
Anti-competitive behaviour (e.g. not playing by the rules, bullying smaller suppliers)
Not actively seeking to give back to the community
Although we work in the Defence industry, we do not work on projects that produce weapons, mines or explosives
Companies that have a lousy track record of bribery, falsifying test results, bonded labour or any other

Companies we will
work with
Companies that work with local supply chains
Companies that treat suppliers with respect
Diverse companies that are owned by underrepresented populations (women, indigenous, multicultural)
All size of companies, from micro to global
We will work with companies that can not afford to pay us, provided the project aligns with our values and corporate strategy

We work to make
a difference
All of our staff and suppliers have volunteering leave to allow them to make a difference to their communities. We also match donations made by staff and suppliers to empower all of our team members to make a difference to the causes that are important to them.